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Sahara Launches Monthly Gal Baat

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

Gillingham: On Saturday 3rd July 2021, Sahara held its inaugural Gal Baat (meaning 'chit chat') social event with guest speaker Bobby Mahay (Community Liaison Officer, Kent Police) at Age UK Medway's Mackenney Centre.

Bobby works closely with communities across Kent to encourage open conversations with officers and engages with hard to reach groups at an early stage to take positive, proactive action to help these communities.

Sahara was set up before the Covid-19 pandemic in a bid to reduce the health and social inequalities faced by elderly residents of South Asian origin in Medway and surrounding areas. Now, it will be holding a monthly social event to bring fun and connection into the lives of some of the hardest to reach groups in the area.

Paramjot Kaur, founder of Sahara, said:

"Over the past few months we have been engaging older people with our project. Our aim is to create a more connected community where people can easily access support, resources and companionship in a language and backdrop that is familiar to them - ultimately reducing isolation and bolstering health & wellbeing."

She added:

"One of our attendees left her home for the first time in two years and feels happier already."


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